Monday, February 22, 2010

Teen Acne

My girlfriend brought her 16 year old son in this past weekend to see what we could do about his acne. His was mainly on the forehead(due to wearing a beanie all day). I spent the majority of the facial doing extractions to clean out his pores. After the facial I went over some key points in keeping his skin clean. Below are a few things that your teen can do themselves;

1. Wash your face 2x day. Do not overwash even though you're feel oily
2. If you wear hats, make sure you wash them at least 1x week
3. Change your pillowcase often
4. Wipe down and disinfect cell phones daily
5. Teen girls(Don't share makeup & wash makeup brushes at least 1x month)
6. Keep hands away from face & no picking!
7. Schedule regular facials to control the oil production & clean out the pores.

I recommend a skin care treatment that involves benzoyl peroxide which is anti-bacterial and very effective in healing blemishes. My cleanser of choice is PCA phaze 31 BPO 5% Cleanser. Its very gentle and calming on the skin. Click on "Products I Recommend" to read more about it.

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